about me
Height: 5"4" | Eye Color: Brown | Hair Color: Dk Brown (usually;)
I took my first step toward acting in adulthood, after discovering that my desire to experience many facets & events of life might possibly be fulfilled as an actor. So I rooted myself in the theater and have been enjoying the journey ever since. I have particular interest in balanced health practices and communication, so when not working in the industry, my time is spent portraying real cases of various patients and clinicians in clinical settings to assist educators in preparing medical students for careers in the healthcare profession. I'm also passionate about our beloved pets and am quite the happy camper in the midst of animals.
Follow Me To Nellie's Staged Reading | Foothill Arts Collective | Sherrie Lofton
Conversations 'Bout The Girls | Visions of Possibilities | Sonia Jackson
6 Rms Riv Vu | Sierra Madre Playhouse | Sherrie Lofton
10-min PlayFest | Town Street Theatre@Stella Adler | Nancy Davis-Bellamy
Night of January16th* | Long Beach Playhouse | Michael Ross
The Piano Lesson | Civic Theatre of Central Florida | Edyth Bush Theatre
The Flood | Lead | Evan O'Brien/Ryan Schude
Know | Lead | Revel Films Alex Gasaway
End Times | Supporting | Divide & Conquer Prods/Bobby Miller
TV/New Media
Forever | The Ninth House/Lifetime TV | Charles Murray
Welcome to the Blumhouse | Little Cinema Amazon Prime | Matt Hill; Lisa Sanaye Dring
Opioid Red Flags Video Series | Guest Star-Doctor | Jeff MacIntyre
Dementia Video Series | Guest Star-Patient | Jeff MacIntyre
Charlie Lawrence | CBS - Co-Star | Scott Ellis
Frasier | NBC - Co Star | Katy Garretson
Training & Workshops
BGB Studios | Larry Moss Actor Intensive | First Stage, Hollywood
Film Industry Workshops - CBS Radford | Richmond Sheppard Theatres |
| Theatre Arts of Los Angeles |
Special Skills
Standardized Patient & Standardized Clinician; Communication skills coach; Can carry a tune. I like to stay active - exercise and recreation - keeping my body moving and flexible. I can, and like to, do many activities when I get the chance these days, like hiking and kayaking, or playing in the snow when I visit family.